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4 vexels added
1/4 selected
3242 5625 5425
115 LTC
3242 5625 5425
3.800006 BTC
3242 5625 5425
1000 USD

This action lets you replenish you own or someone else's Vexel.

Choose payment system

Please note, that Vexel will be converted into the currency it is being replenished with as the currency of the Vexel is different from it.

Copy the address to replenish

For your convenience, you can use the QR-code. It has wallet address and amount to be replenished (if you selected this option). Use the app of your choice that can scan QR-codes.

What's next?

Blablabla, what to do next.
Another title for this article can be “How to write an ad that will be immediately thrown into a waste paper basket?”. But it is too long. In their business advertisers have to follow some rules to enhance the process of customer’s perception.

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